
Anti-littering campaign/PSA

The campaign is up and running, we were successful and even more students joined on board. We had too much fun, despite our car accident, and a great deal was covered. Tinyiko and Kim set up the dustbin painting [which they will speak about it detail] and Sean and I were heading up the first part of the PSA with the drama students. I loved how those students were keen and on fire as soon as we started rehearsing and taking pics. Although in the beginning they didn't like the script or weren't too comfortable with it because of the English words but as I said we had a workshop and after 30minutes they started losening up, getting used to the script and adding onto the it using Xhosa- the rehearsal went well. Later today the students are coming into the radio labs to record to the PSA -our only issue is transport and catering, so we are going to get Alna's bakkie and hopefully the nine drama studentss can all squeeze in the bakkie and we'll be making sandwiches so that they do not get hungry. Hopefully it'll all go well!