
The audio slide show with the help of Nyaluza students

After drawing up a script and having the Nyaluza drama students help us with recording in the radio labs, they performed it in front of the school at assembly. Not only did it get the message of 'not littering' get across to the school, it caused a call of action. They went around the school picking up litter and throwing it into bins which the geography students had painted. There after we took the anti-littering campaign to the wider part of Grahamstown. Sean and I [Kgaugelo] took 32 students from Nyaluza to a river clean up, organised by GRASS, and they saw the importance of picking up litter and what the circumstances are if people litter all the time.

The public service announcement (psa) was created in two parts- the drama students at assembly and when they went to the river clean. The students want to be part of the clean up so as to clean up Grahamtown's rivers. It's done in both English and Xhosa so that when we distribute this psa to other schools the xhosa speaking students may relate and understand what is being said. We also plan on giving Mr Goosen-he heads up the education district in the Cacadu area- a dvd of what we as the multimedia team have produced and ahve accomplished. Thanks to the Nyaluza drama and geography students for participating and launching the campaign. We hope that this initiative goes far beyond our journalism course.


Sean William Messham said...

Personally, I think we are hectic. We have done a really well guys. Was great working with you all.

Kholofelo said...

Wow, its lovely, I enjoyed it. Well done guys. I can see you out a lot of work and effort into this.